MEBA bandsaw twin-column type MEBAmat

MEBA automatic straightcutting bandsaw 90°, suitable for serial cutting. Fully enclosed high performance
bandsawing machine for safe, clean, and quiet operation. Practical construction: space saving, easy to access
during machine commissioning, saw blade change (large doors) and maintenance activities (inspection openings).

Carbide compatible power-package: sawing of solid material, tubes, and profiles. Trouble-free cutting of hardened
material while saving blade life. Maximum, reliable productivity for continious runs in single- and multi-shift
operation. Secure transport of material by closed roller table.

Intelligent control: networking and communication between drive systems and control unit. Teleservice for remote
maintenance. Creations of saw programs in the office. Import of saw programs from CAD with DSTV-interface
and data export.

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